Thursday, September 25, 2008


Okay very quickly because I need to watch THE OFFICE!

Fiber One Caramel Delight cereal and milk-6
Salad from Nino's and a roll (oops) 12
Bagel sandwich- 3 The best bagel is The Western Bagel- only 100 calories and 1 point for the whole thing....they come in Onion, white, wheat, and cinnamon. You can buy them at Wal-Mart or Sprouts....just a tip!
Baked Scoops and salsa- 2 (I cut down the chips a little)
Jello- 0

IT stinks that I didn't eat much and I went over one point! It was that stupid roll! But it was a good one!

1 comment:

Karen said...

PP, I am very excited about your WW post, because I've restarted WW AGAIN.....

Oh well. It's nice to see what you're eating since you've been so successful. I'm getting a lot of good ideas from you. Please let me know where you're getting the 3 point bagel!

I also really enjoyed your patient comments. How funny. Hope you're writing them down somewhere, though they'll never compare with the bathroom log.

I don't always have the funniest of patients but one man walked into the dining room last week and his pants fell down. By the way, he was going commando. Not a pretty sight.

Miss you, Love Karen