Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Boring Boring Idol

Well it would take way too much energy to write about each boring girl tonight so I will just say the best and the worst:

My Top 3
1. Brooke
2. Ramiele
3. Alaina- even though they thought she was old I liked her

Going Home:
1. Aleksandrea
2. Maybe Kady

David Archuletta is still the best!! LOVE HIM! I DVRd him last night and watched it again and still loved it!!


Sarah Launchbaugh said...

I am so sad about Alaina :(

Mittig family said...

I must admit I completely forgot it was Idol Night. So unlike me. So what are your expectations for this evening? I'll be looking forward to your blog after the show!

Mittig family said...

Need a new post Paige Preston! We need to do dinner soon-We went to Mercado today and I thought about you. Also, don't we have to renew our CPR this year? May, right?