Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Idol Boys

Okay so now that I've heard them all sing I really don't care that they've had pasts or whatever...I do care a little that they don't say anything about it on the show, but I think I'm over it now!! Here is a quick recap of my opinions for KB and SM:

1. David H- good, not great
2. Jacuzzi- boring and old
3. David C.- ehh
4. Jason Y- cheese but a nice voice (I have to like him a little bit since he's from here)
5. Robbie- very nice...looks totally different from when he was opening for Britney
6. Cutie Pie- love him!!! I am a little worried about his voice though...sounds a little breathy
7. Danny- flaming
8. Luke- cute, I hope he gets better or he's gone
9. Colton- broadway..I like the Ellen comment
10. I can't remember his name but he was creepy
11. Jason C- very very good
12. Michael- HOT!! LOVE HIM!

My Top 3:
1. Michael
2. Cutie Pie
3. David Castro

Who I think should go:
1. Jacuzzi
2. Creepy long haired guy who looks like a ghost

I can't comment anymore for the week b/c I'll be in San Antonio....have a good week!!


Sarah Launchbaugh said...

Creepy long haired guy was horrible! I also hated the Elvis kid.

Karen said...

PP, I agree with you on Jason C. He's also my number one. I also liked Luke M. I'm sorry to say I didn't keep up with the ladiees very well. I'm glad you're going to post here. I'll know where to look now!