Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Goodbye Rosie Marie

I know that I posted earlier that my dog Rosie wasn't doing well, and I hate to say it but she passed away yesterday. Three years ago she was given about a year to live, so we knew it was coming, and she finally told us it was time to go this week. It's hard to describe how Rosie was to people who never knew her, but she really was just the best dog ever. There's really no other way to say it. She was so smart and had such a great personality that she was just so much fun to be around. I got Rosie 11 years ago this month. I saved some birthday money and some money that I made at Tom Thumb and then found some add in the paper for puppies. Mom and I drove to Fort Worth (which at the time was a very long drive for us) to pick her out of her litter. I remember that she was actually the smallest dog in the litter. I know it is unbelievable to think of Rosie as small, but she was. I figured out that I really don't have any pictures at all of Rosie when she was a baby, and I guess I didn't have a camera at that time. But anyway, Rosie was just so much fun from the first day we got her. She came at a time in our family when we really needed to laugh, and she definitely made us laugh. And even though I was technically the one that brought her home, she was never just my dog. She had this bond with my brother Mike that was amazing. When we were all together it was like he was the only one in the room with her. She would always perk up if we said his name and if he came over to the house she would cry and whine until she could get next to him. She got to see him on Friday before she got really sick..I think that was meant to be. I can't really go into all of the things that made Rosie special because I can't spend the rest of the night crying, but I did find some pictures that showed all of the sides of The Rose: This is probably the oldest picture I could find....yes she was actually skinny at one point! And she LOVED to chew on socks and shoes...especially Mike's

She was such a good jumper...I'm sure those of you who knew her back then just couldn't get enough of her jumping

Rosie was only allowed on the couch for picture taking purposes. She was very good at posing.
And Rosie LOVED Halloween! She would stay in her costumes for hours.
Princess Fat Dog!

Rosie in her sleeping spot after a very long day.

I love this picture! Even though Rosie pretended to hate Lily we all know that she secretly loved her.

I don't think I said that I named her Rosie because of her pink nose

She would chase those bottles all over the house
Rosie was also a good Christmas dog

Rosie and her BFF Mike

This is my all time favorite picture of the dogs. I think I've posted it before but I had to post it again because that is the look that Rosie ALWAYS had on her face when she was outside....the "are you going to let me in NOW or what?" look

I couldn't find my favorite picture of Rosie and it really upsets me but if I do I will definitely post it. Sorry for all of the randomness in this post! I need to stop writing this or it will go on forever. But Rosie (Rosie Marie, The Rose, Fat Dog) will live in my memories forever. I will love her and miss her always!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Oh, I'm so sorry. She was such a pretty dog. Is Lily missing her a lot?