Friday, June 13, 2008


So I guess I'm averaging one post every other month. I still really don't have much to say!! I can't talk about Idol anymore, and for some reason I can't get any of my pictures to upload from my camera, which is REALLY annoying. I think I need a new camera because mine is super slow and evidently broken since I can't upload anything.

Let's see what's happening.....I just had to spend A LOT of money on my car because the air conditioner went out and you know I can't do without my A/C!! So there goes some of the house savings. I also had to spend a lot lately on my two doggies....Lily had an ear infection and and eye infection and had to get all of her shots and tests and stuff, and Rosie unfortunately isn't doing well at all. She has a tumor on her leg that they can't operate on because she might not be able to walk if they take it off. Sooooo I probably won't have The Rose very much longer :( She IS a two-time cancer survivor so we'll see what happens this time.

I'm going to Houston next weekend for a very exciting VitalStim certification seminar....lame....but I'm excited because I get to see my friend Mary and her cute little baby who shares my birthday!! Which brings me to the next topic- I am going to be 28 in 2 weeks!! That is crazy!! I think I dread my birthday more and more every year. I don't know how I'm going to make it to 78.1 which is the average lifespan these days. I guess at some point you become thankful for every year that you have a birthday. I guess I need to change my attitude huh??

Speaking of attitude....I have a pretty poor one lately. I don't really know why because nothing has happened. I think it has something to do with it being summer and me being upset that I have to work while others are off. I know I made the choice to change jobs but I can still be jealous of those who are free in the summer. If I were off work I would probably just eat more and spend more money so it's probably a good thing I am working!

Did anyone watch Nashville Star this week? If so did you see the girl from Arlington? She was last and she was really good!! I don't know her but I was wondering if anyone else does....let me know any gossip you may have! later~

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