Friday, August 15, 2008

Florida Pics Finally!

Aaahhh Florida..
Frenchy's restaurant- where I got my fried grouper sandwich and the best key lime pie ever

Please note the sunburn...and it's not fair sitting next to someone who returned from a Maui Honeymoon earlier in the summer

On the Jolly Trolley

The pretty Sheraton Sand Key Resort

This is the closest we got to a bathing suit picture...sorry to disappoint

Playing with the self timing picture feature while waiting for the Jolly Trolley

Just in case any of you were concerned, I would like you to know that I have now returned back to my pre-Florida weight. I think that a few of those 10 pounds were just weird water weight or something because they were gone the day after I posted last week and now I have been back on my good behavior so the rest have slowly faded. I still am 5 pounds above my lowest low so I still have some work to do but I am relieved that most of that extra weight is gone now. And no, I haven't been starving myself or anything. I could never do that because I just love to eat! I usually eat cereal for breakfast, a sandwich or lean cuisine or salad and yogurt and fruit for lunch, and then something pretty substantial for dinner. Like this week I made a whole chicken in the crock pot on Monday- I've never done that and it was super easy and very yummy! So I had chicken and vegetables (yuck) on Monday and then I was very proud of myself because I used the chicken to make a low fat version of my mom's Mexican Casserole. I just used chicken instead of beef, used 2% cheese and fat free cream of chicken soup and there you go! So just in case any one is actually reading this I don't want any worriers! I do need to work on getting more fruits and vegetables in my diet. I just don't want to eat them. It's nothing more than that. I was trying to eat one of each every day this week but I think I only did that for three days. I also got back into the gym this week, which was actually great...I really do like going once I can get myself off of the couch....and speaking of couch............

These Olympics are wearing me out!!! I have been staying up WAYYYYY to late all week! I normally am falling asleep on the couch at like 9:30 so it's been a beating staying up so late every night. But I do have to say that it has been totally worth it and I loved last night with the gymnastics so much. I tried to take naps this week and I think that helped a little bit but I am still totally worn out. Anyway, on that note I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Friday, August 8, 2008 I go again

Well I got on here to upload my pics and talk about my awesome trip to Florida, but yet again the camera card won't read in the has got to be the card right because the computer is pretty new??? Let's say yes for now it is the cards problem. So anyway Lora and I had a great time in Florida! We did a whole lot of....wait for it......nothing!! Which was exactly what I wanted to do so the trip was perfect!! I read 3 and 1/2 books and got a little bit of a sunburn and ate a lot of food. Pics hopefully will be coming at some point....if only I could find that magic cord that hooks up the camera to the computer.....

I mentioned the word food in the previous paragraph, and so now I must discuss my latest episode in my lifelong struggle with food. So I think that my highest weight loss total was 33 pounds....pre-birthday (6/27). I was very happy with this and so I decided to go completely off of my diet on the week preceding my birthday. And that meant no counting points, no working out, no worrying about food. So that was a very fun week and if it had ended after my birthday then it wouldn't have been a problem for me. The problem happened when after my birthday I just kept on eating....and kept on not working out. I didn't really eat bad every day, but definitely was not on my previous plan. I only gained about 5 or 6 pounds from the time of my birthday until my Florida trip...and I say only 5 because the number is about to get a lot worse. So I ate whatever I wanted in Florida which at the time didn't seem like all that much but now that I think back to the pizza, hamburger, hot dog, fried grouper sandwich (excellent by the way) french fries, key lime pie, breakfast buffet, chocolate cake, multiple real Dr. Peppers, and several alcoholic beverages, it kind of does make sense that I was.....cue scary music 10 pounds this morning when I weighed!!! That would be a 15 pound gain in about 7 weeks. I should enter that in some kind of contest. I think that should be an Olympic event and I would totally get the gold. I mean really, I don't know anyone else who could gain that amount of weight in such a short period of time. I feel totally disgusting and a little scared that this could happen all in a few weeks time. But maybe a few of those pounds will disappear quickly since the last 10 came in about a week?? Is that possible? I only know one thing...I am not going to let it get worse. I cannot undo a year's worth of work in less than two months. I have had a fun time eating whatever I want but obviously that isn't working for me so I must get back in my old counting points and working out 4-5 times a week routine. It's really time to go back...summer is over now anyway. So I am really just posting this because it may be some type of accountability for since I said it aloud now I really have to live up to my goals? We'll see I guess won't we???