This is the closest we got to a bathing suit picture...sorry to disappoint
Playing with the self timing picture feature while waiting for the Jolly Trolley
Just in case any of you were concerned, I would like you to know that I have now returned back to my pre-Florida weight. I think that a few of those 10 pounds were just weird water weight or something because they were gone the day after I posted last week and now I have been back on my good behavior so the rest have slowly faded. I still am 5 pounds above my lowest low so I still have some work to do but I am relieved that most of that extra weight is gone now. And no, I haven't been starving myself or anything. I could never do that because I just love to eat! I usually eat cereal for breakfast, a sandwich or lean cuisine or salad and yogurt and fruit for lunch, and then something pretty substantial for dinner. Like this week I made a whole chicken in the crock pot on Monday- I've never done that and it was super easy and very yummy! So I had chicken and vegetables (yuck) on Monday and then I was very proud of myself because I used the chicken to make a low fat version of my mom's Mexican Casserole. I just used chicken instead of beef, used 2% cheese and fat free cream of chicken soup and there you go! So just in case any one is actually reading this I don't want any worriers! I do need to work on getting more fruits and vegetables in my diet. I just don't want to eat them. It's nothing more than that. I was trying to eat one of each every day this week but I think I only did that for three days. I also got back into the gym this week, which was actually great...I really do like going once I can get myself off of the couch....and speaking of couch............
These Olympics are wearing me out!!! I have been staying up WAYYYYY to late all week! I normally am falling asleep on the couch at like 9:30 so it's been a beating staying up so late every night. But I do have to say that it has been totally worth it and I loved last night with the gymnastics so much. I tried to take naps this week and I think that helped a little bit but I am still totally worn out. Anyway, on that note I hope everyone has a great weekend!